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Thank You(A letter to the author of Persepolis)

By: Juanita Gonzalez Moreno

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Dear Marjane…..


I find it very valuable to write letters in a society that seems to have forgotten the importance of words, and even more, writing a book in an inexorably patriarchal and oppressive society. In our changing and contemporary world, the value of telling the truth and using our freedom to fight for altruistic causes has dissipated. This is why I want to thank you for daring to honestly and satirically write a book that presents a reality that we must be aware of, and that I mistakenly ignored before finding this magnificent graphic novel. There are no words to describe how much I enjoyed the book. Each word had a purpose, and the images perfectly complemented the central idea of ​​the text, allowing us to understand the struggle for freedom that is waged every day in oppressive countries. I feel fortunate to know a little more about your story, about every struggle you experienced internally and externally because, now that great challenges and new responsibilities are approaching me, it is worth knowing the value of staying true to oneself. The way you shared your story without fear or taboos is wonderful. I felt like I was reading about a friend of mine, who between laughter and tears told me, not only her story but also the one of a whole generation that must face new conflicts. On the other hand, I consider that the magic of this book lies in the fact that you told us about the development of your life from an integral vision and that you assume responsibilities and mistakes. I strongly believe that one should always value honesty and the fact that you willingly accepted your mistakes makes the book even more special. In conclusion, I just want to thank you for saving me from ignorance regarding a conflict that I didn't know about, thank you because you taught me the importance of being faithful to oneself, especially in times of oppression and war. But above all Thank you because your book tells the story of a woman who dares to challenge a society where living in peace has become illegal.

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