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Mujeres del Alama Mía

By: Sofía Álvarez 

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“Mujeres del Alma Mía'' is a book written by the celebrated Chilean author, Isabel Allende. To be honest with everyone, “Mujeres del Alma Mia'' is the one and only book I’ve read from this author; nevertheless, this book showed me how spectacular a writer Isabel Allende is, how relevant her thoughts are to our generation, and that we can all learn a thing or two from her books and from the person she has grown to be. The pages of “Mujeres del Alma Mía” are filled with anecdotes of Isabel Allende that focus mainly on feminism and how it has always been entangled with her life. Yet, she finds a way through her words to also tell us small stories and teachings- I like to think of her as a wise open book-  regarding love and many of its branches, motherhood, her career, womanhood, society, and its patriarchy. Along with all of that, she doesn’t fail to inform us about feminism in different places of the world, how it was lived in the last century, how it’s lived nowadays, and how she hopes the new generations will bring a 180º degree change to the world. This book is one of Allende’s most recent publications, being published in 2020, and consists of 189 pages. It doesn’t have a typical structure of having chapters or numbered parts. Still, it’s kind of divided into short theses or anecdotes, which allows the reading to feel fluent instead of tedious. If you want to enrich your knowledge regarding feminism, are interested in learning more about Allende’s life, because she is surely a role model, or are open to learn different points of view regarding the themes mentioned above, then I’m deeply convinced that you should go to a book store, grab your favorite drink, and embark on the journey that is reading “Mujeres del Alma Mía''.

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