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Most powerful empires throughout history

By: Silvia Galindo 9B


Throughout the course of history, the world we live in has changed a lot.  We have had many kings, queens, presidents, dictators, and along with all of that, humanity has been able to witness the rise and fall of many civilizations. We may not understand well enough the number of empires humanity has seen in the last 4,500 million years. Of course, we could try to recall them all, but that would take us years, maybe even centuries! Therefore, we decided to make a small review of the most important and powerful empires of the world. 


        When I mention The Chinese empire, well, you might think of the world power of today. China is one of the most powerful countries in the world, being the number one manufacturer and economical center. Nevertheless, today we are going to talk about China in another moment of history; we will talk about The Chinese empire. This empire began in 1351 during the Ming dynasty, and it ended in 1912 during the Qing dynasty due to some civil wars and the rising of republic among the citizens. The Chinese empire left a lot of things to humanity including the inventions of the fireworks, the paper, and the compass. 


       Now we are going to explore what people consider to be the most incredible empire in history, the Roman empire. Roman civilization began in 753 BC when Romulus founded the city of Rome. According to legend, Romulus and Remus were 2 brothers that were abandoned by their mother. Because of this, they were raised by the She wolf, Lupa. Later on, when they were older, Romulus Killed Remus and founded Rome. This first period of time goes from 753 BC to 27 BC, and it is known because Rome was ruled by kings. In 509 BC Tarquinius Superbus, the last king of Rome, was exiled. This event gave birth to the second time period of Rome, The Republic. During this time Rome was ruled by a permanent senate. The Roman empire began to expand all over Europe; this, however,  became a problem because the republic was still ruled by a senate incapable of making fast decisions. Due to these servers, important carters arised like Julio Cesar. Finally, the republic changed into an Empire in 27 BC. During the empire, Rome achieved its maximum expansion conquering 3 continents in total (Asia, Europe, and Africa). Since the territory was too big to manage by one emperor, after the death of emperor Teodosio I, the empire was split up into east and west, each part ruled by one of Teodosio’s sons. The death of the Roman empire is considered to be in 476 A.D, when the western part of the empire fell apart, yet at the time, the easter part at the moment was known as the Byzantine empire, which didn’t fall until later in 1453 A.D. The Roman empire marked humanity for eternity, and thanks to them we have the Roman coliseum, they invented the theater, and the aqueducts, which are essential nowadays, if you know what I mean. 


      In the history of the world, there have been many more incredible empires that sadly, no longer exist. Nevertheless, because of the impact they had in the world, we can see remains and traces of what they were in today’s world. 


If this topic is of your interest, I leave you a list of the most important empires in history. 


The lost empires

  1. The Chinese Empire 

  2. The Roman Empire 

  3. The Spanish Empire 

  4. The Britannic Empire 

  5. The Russian Empire 

  6. The Mongol Empire





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