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Everything is art

By: Mariana Alonso & Sofía Álvarez 9B

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Art is subjective. According to the Oxford Languages Dictionary, the definition of art is “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” However, we think that this definition is way too short and plain for a subject as big as art. This is why we've come to the question that great philosophers and humanity in general have been wondering about for centuries: “what exactly is art?”


After long hours of research and thought processes, we’ve (referring to us, Mariana and Sofía) have come to the reasoning that everybody’s definition of art varies. As previously stated, art is subjective, meaning that it’s relative to one’s personal feelings, tastes, and/or opinions. For instance, to SofiaAlvarez (one of the writers) art is: “If I denominate something as art, for others it might not be perceived as such. Things receive the value one gives them. Therefore everything, including art, has a different meaning or value depending on the person. Along with the idea worked before, because there are millions and millions of people on the earth, each with a different definition of art, this gets me thinking that everything is art. Because while for one something isn’t art, for the other one it is”. Meanwhile for Mariana Alonso (the other writer) art is: “Life itself is art. My definition of art is something that makes me feel, something that reminds me that I’m alive, and life makes me feel. Therefore life is art. After discussing this with one another, we realized even though our definitions are quite different, they complement each other. This is when we came to the eye-opening enlightenment that shows us that everything around us is art. If you take in all of your surroundings, people, animals, nature, a cup of tea, a book, or even the sky, you’ll find that everything has its own beauty, its own art. In nature's uniqueness we find beauty, we find art. In people’s way of talking, thinking, moving, and even tears we find art. Every little piece of the universe is art, because for you the most horrendous thing can be the most beautiful one for someone else. 


Overall, we know not everyone shares this point of view, in fact, there are people who think nothing at all is art, and we respect that, (don’t be such a party-pooper) but life is too short to not look at it in an artistic way, if you know what I mean. Pay attention to the small details, because you might find art within. So, in the words of Celia Cruz: “La vida es una hermosura, hay que vivirla”.


So what is art to you?  (“Los pensamientos que no son escritos, se convierten en polvo” “Unwritten thoughts turn into dust” - Sofía Álvarez )


 Leave your answer in the question box below!


POEM: I Find myself in art 


Art is inherent to life, to humans, to us. 

It fluctuates, it changes, as we do too 

but it preserves its essence, thus

You can't tell it's beginning nor end      


Art is a mirror we prefer sometimes not to see 

because it reflects the feelings that are buried deep   


We need art to show us what we sometimes can’t see

or to show others what only us can perceive 

And while art differs in all of us beings, 

art is always something we try to reach 

To those with blindsight can’t you see? 

Art is at the touch of your fingertips


Because it is everywhere, art is everything  

From the eyes of your lover to the ones of your enemy 

From the leaf that falls from a tree to the hummingbird flying with ease  

From the way your lips curve to the way you talk and think


Art itself is you and me 

Art is the life we all live.


  • Sofia Alvarez, Mariana Alonso

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