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An Easy, Sweet and Healthy Breakfast

By: Ana Olivo 9B

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At the moment of cooking or baking, oats is one of the ingredients that you can use to make a ton of different recipes. There are different ways to consume oats at breakfast that are not just plain porridge. One of my favorites is baked oats since you can basically make them at your own taste and also there is a variety of recipes, for instance, there is Tiramisu baked oats, carrot cake baked oats, banana bread baked oats, etc. Today we are making one of the best ones, a Chocolate Chip Cookie Baked Oats.


Ingredients for one serving

½  cup Rolled Oats

⅓  cup Milk of choice

½  Banana

1 Egg

½  tsp. Baking powder

1 tsp. Cinnamon

1 tbsp. Honey or Maple Syrup

Pinch of salt

¼ cup Chocolate Chips or Chunks (the chocolate can be of choice, I recommend 60% or 50%)



Baked oats are also one of the easiest breakfasts or recipes to make because it is so simple that you only need to blend the ingredients together, put the mix in a ramekin or oven container, add your toppings, bake it and it's all done.

So to make it you just have to blend all the ingredients for 1 minute and then pour the mix preferably in a ramekin since the recipe is one serving, then add as much chocolate chips or chunks as you want, and then bake it in 350 for 28 minutes and it’s all done.


I hope you enjoy these delicious and healthy baked oats and try other recipes since there are many more!!

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