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2022 elections: It's time to make a change

By:Rossana Yacelly and Katherine Muskus 10A

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The results

After four years of Ivan Duque’s government, it's time for Colombians to choose their new president. This essential democratic process began on March 13, with the legislative elections; the representatives of the senate and the members of the house of representatives were elected. On the other hand, there also was the inter-party consultation of three coalitions, which is essential because one pre-candidate of each coalition (the one with more votes) will be selected as a presidential candidate that will go against the other candidates. 


The results of the first consult were shocking for most Colombians because they showed the division present in the country; the right and left governmental wings are still in conflict and are the most supported by the people, while the center party is fading away. The results showed left-wing candidate Gustavo Petro as the leader in votes for the Pacto Histórico coalition (with more than 4 million votes), right-wing candidate Federico Gutierrez as the leader in votes for Equipo por Colombia (with more than 2 million votes), and Sergio Fajardo, center party member, as the leader of Centro Esperanza (with approximately 600,000 votes).


A result that stood out was Francia Márquez’s victory. Francia, a member of Pacto Historico, had more votes than Sergio Fajardo and all of the candidates in the Centro Esperanza coalition. This is a historic result as Márquez is the only African American woman present in this election. 


Aside from the pre-candidates that participated in the March 13th consult, some independent candidates will participate in the next elections, such as Rodolfo Hernandez and Ingrid Betancourt. 


Importance of voting 

Besides voting being a right, it is also essential as Colombia is a democratic country. Protecting democracy is key and the best way to do so is by voting. The whole point of elections is giving the people what they want and what they consider the best for them and their country. If you don't vote you are giving up your voice, don't allow others to decide for you. Remember: every vote counts. 


However, If you decide to vote, it is important to keep in mind to not believe everything you see or hear. In the time of elections, the veracity of information can be lost and, with the rise of social media information, it can be easily manipulated to benefit or harm someone. Remember to only trust reliable sources and a good way to stay informed is by watching the debates as they show each candidate's position on many topics. 


Our take 

In our opinion, as new voters, it is very difficult to give your vote to someone as the candidates are all from traditional parties and there isn’t something truly innovative; we would have loved to see more new faces on the voting cards. However, even though we are not particularly fond of any of the candidates, we are doing our best in staying informed, listening to other positions, and being partial with our political opinions. We also believe that there is this constant fear of being judged for who you vote for, even in our school there are very divided opinions and when sharing your opinion you can be harshly criticized. It is important to create open spaces to discuss politics but everything must be done respectfully and with the willingness to learn from others. 


On a final note, we want to invite you to keep this Ruth Bader Ginsburg quote in mind for the elections: "Real change, enduring change, happens one step at a time." 

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